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Michael Richards
Oct 25, 2019
Why we use “Run and Gun” throws and 1RM’s in the weight room.
Sports ARE 1RM’s,and no, It’s not for everyone.That’s why we use them, we are trying to get our athletes OUT of that “not for”category.

Michael Richards
Sep 6, 2019
In-Season training for Volleyball athletes
Michael Richards ISSA Certified Strength and Conditiong Coach Owner: Elite Athletic Performance LLC 18 years of experience training...

Michael Richards
Aug 26, 2019
“I already lift at school.”
I make no bones about the fact that everything our athletes do at EAP starts in the weight room. Not everyone wants to hear that, which...

Michael Richards
Nov 23, 2018
Why I chilled out with my strict stance against year-around throwing.
In the baseball strength and conditioning world this is relatively hot topic. It is pretty well accepted the best way to build rotator...

Michael Richards
Nov 17, 2018
Why your kid is always hurt (or telling you something hurts)
I was recently asked in a podcast interview what is the most common area of concern or lack that I see in young baseball players. My...

Michael Richards
Nov 14, 2018
Do pitchers at EAP Bench Press?
Should pitchers bench press or not?? Michael Richards ISSA Certified Strength Coach Owner Elite Athletic Performance LLC 18 years of...
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